Extra Virgin Olive Oil is Just Amazing
The process of making olive oil is extremely simple, you press the olives and oil comes out. This is known as extra virgin olive oil and this is the good stuff, this is what you are looking for. There are other types of olive oil , regular or "light" olive oils but these variants are usually extracted using chemicals and thus don't have all the wonderful health benefits.
One of the most common misconceptions is that you cant cook with extra virgin olive oil. It turns out that olive oil, which contains mostly monounsaturated fatty acids, is actually fairly resistant to high heat. For one study, researchers heated extra virgin olive oil to 180 degrees Celsius for 36 hours. The oil was highly resistant to damage and did not oxidise or loose any of its benefits.
True extra virgin olive oil has a distinctive taste and is high in phenolic antioxidants , the main reason why it is so beneficial to our health. There has been a lot of studies done on olive oil and they show that the fatty acids and antioxidants found in extra virgin olive oil help reduce the risk of heart disease.Studies on the Mediterranean Diet show that it can help prevent heart disease. In one major study, it reduced heart attacks, strokes and death by 30% There is some evidence that oleic acid itself, the most prominent fatty acid in olive oil, can help reduce inflammation.
In conclusion , extra virgin olive oil is simply fantastic and is really a "superfood" that we all should be taking advantage of. Always be sure to buy the real thing and reap the benefits. You can find the best extra virgin oils here on our site.